
My First Time...

So, I have not been too shy about fessing up to the fact that I'm not very comfortable with computers. This is why the attempt at my next post really worried me. Since I have now created my own YouTube account, I figured I need to start posting, right?

Well, I wasn't too sure what to post as a video because I don't own a video camera. One thing that I noticed to be very popular throughout my YouTube cruising was video montages. So, I created my own vidoe montage. I figured that all of the 18 and under crowd had sufficiently polluted YouTube with tributes to The Jonas Brothers, Justin Timberlake, Michael Phelps, and all of the other "hotties" they are "in love with".

Something that is of great interest to me is Breast Cancer Awarness. When I did a YouTube search on this topic I did find several links, but most were just informative. Seeing as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I thought I would create my own video montage dedicated to this cause (insert flood of scared panic....now).

Although I could probably create approximately 4000+ blogs on how entertaining it must have been to watch me trying to figure out the video application on my computer...that's not what we're talking about now. So, once I finally created my Scorsese-esque documentary, it was time to "Broadcast Myself".

When uploading a video on YouTube you must give it a title, a brief descritption of what it is about, choose a couple of key words that can be picked up during searches, and choose a topic to which your video relates to. For my search words I chose 'breast + cancer + awareness', and for my topic I chose 'education'.

For my title I chose to name it 'My First Time'. Since this was, in fact, my first time. I figured naming my video this would generate more hits then 'Breast Cancer Awareness Montage'. Since it was my first video I wanted to allow myself the opportunity for as many hits as possible and am hoping I may even get some comments. (Even if they are negative, and upset because of my misleading title...) In my description, I explained the reasoning for my tricky title.

Ta-da! I have successfully uploaded my first video to YouTube! Take that ILUVJONASBROS, I can do this too!

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