
All knowledge resides in YouTube...

YouTube is a fantastic example of collective intelligence on the Internet. As Henry Jenkins simply puts it, collective intelligence can be defined as,

"No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity." *

With this, people are encouraged to build and grow off of each others' expertise.

YouTube embodies this theory wonderfully. As long as it is appropriate and complies with the user agreement, YouTubers are invited to add whatever they wish to the website. Some people choose to add less thought-evoking videos such as tributes to their favorite celebrities. However, others choose to broadcast themselves as a way to inform, or persuade the public into what they feel/believe/think/etc. And everyone is encouraged and welcomed to search for and view whatever sort of topics they may choose.

Although personal accounts are more popular on YouTube, public organizations have them as well. Corporations such as Johnson & Johnson, Senator John McCain, The Associated Press, and Oprah. These people/groups use their YouTube page as a way to inform the public and post videos they feel may be of interest.

Underneath the screen that shows the videos there is an area that encourages user comments. Some people choose to simply say, "Wow! I loved this video". However, some actually give input or additional information, allowing the video creator to further the accuracy and/or quality of whatever they may have posted.

YouTube is a great way for people to share and retrieve information, no matter how mind-altering it may or may not be.

(*Collective Intelligence definition is not the actual definition, rather Jenkins' interpreted definition.)

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