
CommercialTube : advertise yourself

Throughout college I have taken various forms of media classes. I cannot remember exactly which class it was, or when I was introduced to a life-changing concept, but my media experience have never been the same. This concept, you may ask? Product Placement.

Prior to learning about this, I never realized how prominently product placement is used in modern media. Now, I cannot watch an episode of Desperate Housewives without noticing that every character drives some form of Chrysler/Nissan/Aston Martin on the show. Or, that any time you watch some sort of press conference or interview with an Olympic athlete they have a Coca-Cola bottle in their hand, or make some reference to 'craving a Big Mac'. This concept has become second-nature to my media enjoyment, however sometimes I find it to be a bit annoying. I would like to enjoy a show, or watch an interview without feeling as if I am constantly being persuaded into buying something.

One thing that I really appreciated about YouTube was the fact that it was user-ran therefore little to no advertising was involved. I could seek out whatever sort of entertainment I was looking for without being bombarded by Nike Swooshes or a personal testimony on how delicious a Hardee's Thickburger is. However, much like every aspect of media, YouTube is 'keeping up with the Joneses', and now advertisement is slowly making it's way on to my computer screen.

Oftentimes, YouTube does not allow you to upload videos that are any longer than ten minutes. Videos such as these sometimes bestow a banner-style advertisement across the bottom of the screen. This new addition really bugs me, because oftentimes it covers up parts of the video. Although you are able to 'x' out of this advertisement, it is still bothersome. Occasionally, there is also mini-ads before and/or after the video that are announcing the release of a new CD or the premiere of a new movie.

Although this does bug me a little bit, one way which I feel it could be beneficial is if they could create some way to customize the advertisement. If I am seeking out a YouTube video on George Clooney, then prior to my viewing, show me an advertisement for his latest movie that is coming out next month. I believe this will be better received by viewers because then at least they feel like some thought and care was behind the advertisement, rather than just extra dollar signs.

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