
YouTube: The Extended Cut.

When opting to upload a video, one warning that appears states that videos any longer than ten minutes must be split because they are too large, and do not comply with the YouTube user agreement. Much like everything in life, there are ways around this rule. However, in YouTubes' case, the exception only applies to more corporate users. Users such as The Associated Press, CBS, and various (National) news stations are able to upload videos of much greater lengths. (For example Senator John McCain's acceptance speech for the Republican National Convention runs 55:58 and can be found on YouTube, posted by C-SPAN.)

Allowing users to upload videos longer than ten minutes can be very beneficial for viewers. In instances such as McCain's acceptance speech, if an "average" user were to try and show this video, they would have to cut it in to six different pieces. Causing a viewer to have to avidly seek out each individual piece, which can take away from the overall quality and enjoyment of the video.

On October 10th, The New York Times published a story about another route YouTube plans to take (Thank-you, Dr. Platt). YouTube will start offering television channels such as CBS to include full-length episodes of certain television shows. This helps YouTube to compete with other video-casting websites that already offer such options. It can also be beneficial to users who do not have recording devices such as DVR and TiVo.

I think this can prove to be a great idea and addition for YouTube. Amongst the T.V. shows that CBS will be airing on YouTube are some shows that primarily are only on Showtime. So if you do not have cable, you would not normally be able to watch these shows. But by adding them to YouTube, it can broaden their fan base.

The catch? Because there always is one...
Viewers will be forced to watch an advertisement before and after the show they are watching. As well as one amidst the show.

CommercialTube : advertise yourself

Throughout college I have taken various forms of media classes. I cannot remember exactly which class it was, or when I was introduced to a life-changing concept, but my media experience have never been the same. This concept, you may ask? Product Placement.

Prior to learning about this, I never realized how prominently product placement is used in modern media. Now, I cannot watch an episode of Desperate Housewives without noticing that every character drives some form of Chrysler/Nissan/Aston Martin on the show. Or, that any time you watch some sort of press conference or interview with an Olympic athlete they have a Coca-Cola bottle in their hand, or make some reference to 'craving a Big Mac'. This concept has become second-nature to my media enjoyment, however sometimes I find it to be a bit annoying. I would like to enjoy a show, or watch an interview without feeling as if I am constantly being persuaded into buying something.

One thing that I really appreciated about YouTube was the fact that it was user-ran therefore little to no advertising was involved. I could seek out whatever sort of entertainment I was looking for without being bombarded by Nike Swooshes or a personal testimony on how delicious a Hardee's Thickburger is. However, much like every aspect of media, YouTube is 'keeping up with the Joneses', and now advertisement is slowly making it's way on to my computer screen.

Oftentimes, YouTube does not allow you to upload videos that are any longer than ten minutes. Videos such as these sometimes bestow a banner-style advertisement across the bottom of the screen. This new addition really bugs me, because oftentimes it covers up parts of the video. Although you are able to 'x' out of this advertisement, it is still bothersome. Occasionally, there is also mini-ads before and/or after the video that are announcing the release of a new CD or the premiere of a new movie.

Although this does bug me a little bit, one way which I feel it could be beneficial is if they could create some way to customize the advertisement. If I am seeking out a YouTube video on George Clooney, then prior to my viewing, show me an advertisement for his latest movie that is coming out next month. I believe this will be better received by viewers because then at least they feel like some thought and care was behind the advertisement, rather than just extra dollar signs.


All knowledge resides in YouTube...

YouTube is a fantastic example of collective intelligence on the Internet. As Henry Jenkins simply puts it, collective intelligence can be defined as,

"No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge resides in humanity." *

With this, people are encouraged to build and grow off of each others' expertise.

YouTube embodies this theory wonderfully. As long as it is appropriate and complies with the user agreement, YouTubers are invited to add whatever they wish to the website. Some people choose to add less thought-evoking videos such as tributes to their favorite celebrities. However, others choose to broadcast themselves as a way to inform, or persuade the public into what they feel/believe/think/etc. And everyone is encouraged and welcomed to search for and view whatever sort of topics they may choose.

Although personal accounts are more popular on YouTube, public organizations have them as well. Corporations such as Johnson & Johnson, Senator John McCain, The Associated Press, and Oprah. These people/groups use their YouTube page as a way to inform the public and post videos they feel may be of interest.

Underneath the screen that shows the videos there is an area that encourages user comments. Some people choose to simply say, "Wow! I loved this video". However, some actually give input or additional information, allowing the video creator to further the accuracy and/or quality of whatever they may have posted.

YouTube is a great way for people to share and retrieve information, no matter how mind-altering it may or may not be.

(*Collective Intelligence definition is not the actual definition, rather Jenkins' interpreted definition.)


This one's for you, Crystal...

I had created another blog guiding you throughout what a user account (they are referred to as 'channels' on YouTube) actually looked like. However, once I was almost done I saw that I had recieved a comment on a previous post, and decided to redo my post.

Crystal was not aware that I was new to YouTube, and had some questions about the differences of being an actual user as compared to just visiting the website. So, I thought this should be explored a little more.

By simply typing in the URL, http://www.youtube.com/, everyone is taken to the same opening page. This page has various videos displayed at the top that are currently being watched by other people as well as videos that are being promoted (by accounts such as the Associated Press, etc.). There is also the search bar where you can enter key words for certain things you may be looking for. If you are not a registered user this is about as far as you get to explore.
Non-registered users are welcome to search and cruise throughout the website for as long as they would like. However, they may not be able to access every video they wish to. Registered useres have the option when they upload videos whether or not they would like to allow everyone or just those signed up to YouTube to view their videos.
Non-registered users do not get to create any sort of member profile. Therefore, they cannot save their favorite videos, or recieve or post any comments on videos. They also cannot post any videos themselves, only view videos.
On the other hand, registered users basically have free reign over YouTube. They are encouraged to rate one-another's videos, as well as post and comment on them. We also can create a favorites list so we don't always have to perform searches to see the videos we like the most.
So, depending on the amount of activity one wishes to have while exploring YouTube, a user account may or may not be beneficial. I hope this slightly cleared up any questions!

My First Time...

So, I have not been too shy about fessing up to the fact that I'm not very comfortable with computers. This is why the attempt at my next post really worried me. Since I have now created my own YouTube account, I figured I need to start posting, right?

Well, I wasn't too sure what to post as a video because I don't own a video camera. One thing that I noticed to be very popular throughout my YouTube cruising was video montages. So, I created my own vidoe montage. I figured that all of the 18 and under crowd had sufficiently polluted YouTube with tributes to The Jonas Brothers, Justin Timberlake, Michael Phelps, and all of the other "hotties" they are "in love with".

Something that is of great interest to me is Breast Cancer Awarness. When I did a YouTube search on this topic I did find several links, but most were just informative. Seeing as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I thought I would create my own video montage dedicated to this cause (insert flood of scared panic....now).

Although I could probably create approximately 4000+ blogs on how entertaining it must have been to watch me trying to figure out the video application on my computer...that's not what we're talking about now. So, once I finally created my Scorsese-esque documentary, it was time to "Broadcast Myself".

When uploading a video on YouTube you must give it a title, a brief descritption of what it is about, choose a couple of key words that can be picked up during searches, and choose a topic to which your video relates to. For my search words I chose 'breast + cancer + awareness', and for my topic I chose 'education'.

For my title I chose to name it 'My First Time'. Since this was, in fact, my first time. I figured naming my video this would generate more hits then 'Breast Cancer Awareness Montage'. Since it was my first video I wanted to allow myself the opportunity for as many hits as possible and am hoping I may even get some comments. (Even if they are negative, and upset because of my misleading title...) In my description, I explained the reasoning for my tricky title.

Ta-da! I have successfully uploaded my first video to YouTube! Take that ILUVJONASBROS, I can do this too!


In my opinion, the most successful way to present a blog entirely about YouTube, I should create my own YouTube account. I also though, I would invite you along for the ride. As I am not the most computer savvy college student, I thought it may be a bit entertaining.

To begin with, I went to the YouTube website, and in the upper righthand corner there is a link that says sign up. Alright, I think I can handle this so far. To begin with you simply have to fill out some basic information such as your age, sex, and location. As well as read and comply with the terms of service.

Next step- Create a user name. Through my experiences of cruising YouTube I have seen some rather interesting user names. Names like; ILUVJONASBROS, or QTPIE18, and other names paying tribute to pop stars, athletes, other various celebrities, and even different political affiliations. I'm not sure how much use I will get out of my YouTube account later on in life (and because it's free to create one, I could always choose something else) I chose NewTube442 as my user name. Probably self explanitory since I'm new to YouTube and our communications class is Comm 442.

Actually signing up for YouTube was much easier than I thought it would be. After filling out the basic form, I was just asked to check my e-mail address and confirm everything before my account was finalized.

Once I recieved my e-mail welcoming me to the YouTube community, I was given a link to my home page where I can edit my personal settings and create a user profile. I created a very basic profile that did not disclose much information about myself, and slightly introduced what I was even trying to do with my account. One thing I found interesting was that you cannot upload a photo on your account until you have been a user for over 48 hours.

Now that my account has been created I'm even more intrigued by YouTube. It's sort of like a MySpace on internet infused crack. You're given the opportunity to tell other people about yourself as well as post your favorite music, and send each other messages. But along with all of this you can post and watch videos as well...