

I didn't realize how much I engaged in Dr. Bugeja's concept of changing nature of the home until I sat and really pondered it.

This is an idea where home used to be viewed as our refuge from the outside world. We would go home as a way to escape the business of our surroundings, and almost feel secluded. However, now, home is where I go to connect myself to the outside world. But with this, creates new issues of both privacy and security, even though it is self-induced.

Almost every time I get home, the first thing I do is set all my stuff down, walk into my bedroom, and turn on my computer. Usually it's another hour or so before I actually sit down and begin my venture into the outside world, but at least I know it's on and ready for me.

My first plan of attack is to check my NDSU e-mail, in case I receive any life-changing information from my professors, obviously. (Odd because I was just at school all day, any information I needed, I probably could have already received.)

Then, on to Facebook...I need to see what my friends are up to, right? A simple phone call, or the more common text message would be all too practical and time consuming, when I can reach out to everyone at once via Stalkerbook.

Occasionally I hit my MySpace page, just in case those few oddball friends of mine that don't have Facebook accounts have posted anything new on there.

THEN, my favorite part...YouTube. This is where I go to see what I missed during the day. Usually due to things such as being at work or class, however sometimes because of overlapping schedules. I would say my primary usage for YouTube lately would be viewing news casts or talk shows that I otherwise missed.

The Internet in general, and primarily YouTube give me an outlet to my world. I can be completely caught up on my day within about an hour of Internet surfing. It's wonderful and sad at the same time.

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