
Welcome to MyTube

Due to an ever-growing lack of free time, I have found myself greatly intrigued by YouTube.com. Although YouTube.com made its internet debut just over 3 years ago, I have just recently, within the past few months, fallen in love with this concept.

I personally use YouTube.com as a late night pasttime. Once I get home from work, and before I go to bed, I CruiseTube. Usually in hopes of catching T.V. news segments, current celebrity gossip, or even music videos. Although these facets are availible all hours of the day, oftentimes schedules are conflicting, and cause me to miss things I would normally like to watch.I am interested in learning more about the ever-growing popularity of YouTube.com, how it has progressed, and how it has (positively or negatively) changed our culture.

I know I cannot be the only person that relies on YouTube.com for a majority of my entertainment needs, so I am curious to learn how other YouTubers percieve and maintain their affair.

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