
Let's figure this all out, shall we?

Everything has to start somewhere, right? Well, where "exactly" did YouTube.com begin? Now, I must confess, I began writing this post prior to looking up any sort of information. choosing YouTube as blog topic was 100% because I find it an intriguing website. I have no prior knowledge, and thought it would be a great way to discover how detailed, or perhaps simplistic, this rapidly growing phenomenon is.

I have several questions that I hope to gradually answer throughout my months of blogging. Questions such as:
  • Who started YouTube.com? Can it's creation be pinpointed to one particular person or group of people.
  • Is there any specified launch date? Or, did YouTube just sort of gradually make it's way on to our computer screens.
  • Do the creators profit from the public's use of YouTube?
  • Must you pay a fee to become a member of YouTube? Or is it complimentary.
  • How long does it take to upload videos on YouTube?
  • What are the stipulations as far as media rights and ownership?
  • Must a person be certain age before they are old enough to use YouTube?
  • How do other media outlets feel about YouTube?
  • Can YouTube be a liable source for information?

I am sure there are many other questions and issues that need to, and hopefully will be addressed throughout the semester. As I get myself aquainted with YouTube, I hope to gain a better understanding of the internet as a whole. Perhaps, I could YouTube some how-to information on Internet for Dummies?

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