

Holy Smokes! I cannot believe that I have never discovered this before! I knew that there were links on Facebook for YouTube, such as fan pages. But I had NO IDEA that I could actually post YouTube videos on my Facebook page.

Attn: Disembodied self! Being on two of my favorite websites in the same screen without having to open two different windows (although that wasn't hard, this is just sooo much easier).

The Facebook version is called YouTubeBox. The application can be easily added under your personal settings by clicking 'add application'. Then there is a slight introduction on how to manage your videos, and it even comes with two videos already posted.
This, was very odd. The two videos it had already placed on my page were something about a skateboarding dog, and another about a Miss Teen USA contestant....And I thought the Michael Phelps videos made me look like a weirdo.
Other than that, everything was pretty much the same as the original YouTube site, in terms of uploading and sharing videos. The search link appeared to pull up the same results as the original site. However, some of the specifications are not as apt to Facebook. Such as NYT's evil memory trick of saving what you often search and presenting you with similar videos.
Adding YouTube to Facebook is merely a step towards complete laziness, but it's still pretty sweet!

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